
Solidarity Knows No Borders Organising Workbook

If you’d like to find out more about resisting the UK’s racist & hostile immigration system, power mapping, 1-2-1s and other community organising tools, this workbook is for you.

The workbook is a living, breathing and changing publication, which we will update and translate. It’s available in an easy-to-print black/white version and a riso printed publication.

The first version of this SKNB workbook was made in the run up to a week of action in 2021. Over 60 groups came together across the country to organise against the hostile environment & immigration system. Throughout 2023, SKNB, Migrants Organise + Migrants In Culture redesigned the original Google Doc into an interactive workbook.

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Join our community

Solidarity Knows No Borders (SKNB) is a community of migrant organisations, groups and individuals, working in solidarity, to end hostility and racism against migrants and refugees.

Speak to one of our organisers

We have a number of experienced organisers who can help you to take action and grow the movement. We can link you with others, organise action planning sessions and much more!

Explore organising resources

We have developed campaigning and organising resources for you to use. If you need t-shirts, banners, leaflets, badges and other resources.

Spread the word

We have developed campaigning and organising resources for you to use. If you need t-shirts, banners, leaflets, badges and other resources.